
The philosophical foundation of Hinduism

Upanishads From Rig Ved

Upanishads From Rig Ved

The Rigveda is the oldest and most revered Veda. It contains hymns dedicated to various deities, such as Agni (the fire god), Indra (the king of gods), and Surya (the sun god). These hymns beautifully express the spiritual yearnings, praises, and deep contemplations of the ancient seers.

Upanishads From Sama Ved

Upanishads From Sam Ved

The Samaveda is primarily concerned with the melodic rendering of hymns from the Rigveda. It emphasizes the musical aspect of the sacred chants and provides detailed instructions on their recitation during rituals and ceremonies.

Other Available Upanishads

Other Available Upanishads

There is Only 108 Main Upanishadas available as a Proper Records. But there is so many other Upanishad are Available in Some other Places. So will be introduce here, If any other Acailable…