Spirituality and Science

If we describe spirituality and science in the context of an atom…

Electron + Proton + Neutron = Atom

Just like

Brahma + Vishnu + Mahesh = The Trinity

Devas (gods) and Asuras (demons) = Positive results and Negative results

What we refer to as Hinduism is not a religion in a physical form, but rather a foundation of eternal truth that explains the origin of the universe and all events occurring in the present time. Our nation, India and the ancient sages have preserved an extraordinary heritage since time immemorial, which we have confined and limited in the name of religion. The heritage of India is the heritage of the world because if the eternal truth of creation has been depicted anywhere, it is solely in our ancient scriptures. The Gita, which was created for the sake of knowledge, has been reduced to an object of worship; religion, which was created for the rise of knowledge, has been turned into a tool for selfish ends… The God who became alive within us as nature to teach us how to live has been enshrined in lifeless idols of stone… confined within temples, mosques, churches and gurdwaras…

In physical form, there is no deity or god. What exists are the virtues present in human beings and the actions performed by individuals based on their knowledge and awareness are the only true measure. It is these actions, guided by one’s inner awareness, that determine whether a person embodies godly or demonic qualities. Devas are not objects of worship; they are symbolic of virtues, through the practice of which, one’s inner self can transform from a mere individual into a divine form. And this divinity is energy… consciousness… a soul free from selfish desires and the five vices…

Perhaps these realities were depicted through the mythological stories of gods and demons created by ancient sages. Or maybe everything is entirely true. I don’t intend to question any scripture or religious belief, but one thing is certainly true: proper understanding and knowledge of ancient scriptures are absolutely necessary for the rise of true wisdom. As long as the Gita remains an object of worship in our homes, the knowledge it contains will be incomplete in individuals. That knowledge will be complete only when the Gita enters a person’s life, becoming a spark of consciousness in their mind, heart, behavior and soul…

Just as the fable of the tortoise and the hare presents a reflection of dedicated effort towards a specific direction, the ancient Indian acharyas, whom we refer to as sages, depicted the truth of creation through what is termed as ‘religion’ (though calling it ‘religious’ might not be appropriate since religion itself has no physical existence. It could be better described as profound or contemplative). This truth is so precise that no scientist, philosopher, psychologist, sociologist, or expert from any field in the world can refute it. Yet, the very people in India, blinded by religious fanaticism, have nearly obliterated this invaluable knowledge and wisdom through selfishness and blind faith.

Today’s generation recites a few verses from religious texts and considers themselves Hindu, blindly following certain rituals and considering themselves wise and learned. Those who exploit the names of gods and goddesses for their benefit cannot impart knowledge; they can only propagate blind practices, thereby increasing superstitions and securing their livelihood.

Science believes that the beginning of the world was related to an atom. Every element of creation is born from atoms, which are defined by three fundamental components according to science. The atom consists of electrons, neutrons and protons. These three components unite completely to form a single element. In essence, all three are the same, which we recognize as the atom.

Spirituality believes that the world began based on the cycle of time. This cycle of time is rooted in the concept of Mahakal, which we accept in the form of Shiva. Every element of creation arises as a result of the cycle of time, which is accepted through three main spiritual sources: the Creator, the Preserver and the Destroyer, who are known as Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh, respectively. However, these three aspects are essentially one, which we can refer to as God, through whom creation took place.

Every creation formed from atoms is essential for the sustenance of the universe, but only when it is used in balance. If this balance is disrupted, it leads to both positive and negative outcomes.

Every creation of this universe formed by the Trinity (who, in essence, symbolize virtues) is essential for the cycle of time. But if they are not maintained in balance… if this balance is disrupted, the result manifests as dharma (righteousness) and adharma (unrighteousness), with dharma defined as per the code of actions.

Science believes that every creation has both positive and negative consequences. No creation can exist without balance.

Spirituality believes that in the universe (in the context of an individual), if there are Devas (related to good qualities), there will also be Asuras (related to bad qualities)… No creation in the universe can exist without equal balance on both sides.

~ Sultan Singh ‘Jeevan’

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