The temple, with its distinctive architecture, intricate carvings and cultural significance

Pallikondeswara Temple

Also known as Pradosha Kshetram

Introduction :

Pallikondeswara Temple, also known as Pradosha Kshetram, is a sacred Hindu temple located in the serene village of Surutupalle, nestled within the Tirupati district of Andhra Pradesh, India. This temple is dedicated to the deity Shiva, with the presiding deity being Pallikondeswara, a unique representation of Lord Shiva in a reclining posture, resting on the lap of his divine consort, Parvati.

The temple, with its distinctive architecture, intricate carvings, and cultural significance, is a testament to the rich religious heritage of the region. This research article delves into the historical background, the temple’s unique architecture, and the festivals that grace its calendar, shedding light on its deep spiritual and cultural importance.

Historical Background :

Pallikondeswara Temple is steeped in history and legend. It was built during the Vijayanagara period by the illustrious king Harihara Bukka Raya, who reigned from 1344 to 1347. The temple complex also bears an inscription indicating a renovation carried out by a princess from Kalahasti in 1833, underscoring its enduring relevance through the centuries.

Unique Iconography :

The primary deity, Pallikondeswara, is unlike other representations of Lord Shiva found in most Shiva temples. Here, he is depicted in a rare and unique reclining posture, with Parvati, his consort, cradling him. The reclining deity, a sight almost akin to Vishnu’s reclining form, is an iconic feature of this temple, setting it apart from the more traditional Shiva lingams found in other Shiva temples.

Legend :

The temple’s uniqueness is further enriched by a captivating legend. As the story goes, during the churning of the ocean of milk, a significant event in Hindu mythology, several treasures emerged, including the elixir of the gods, Amrita, and the poisonous Halahala. To protect the world from the poison, Lord Shiva courageously consumed it. However, as the poison started descending into his throat, Parvati intervened by tightly holding Shiva’s throat, turning it blue. After this perilous episode, Shiva, along with Parvati, proceeded towards Kailash, his divine abode. During their journey, Shiva, feeling exhausted, decided to rest. This restful pause took place in the bounds of Andhra, which would later be known as Suruttappalli. There, Shiva reclined, resting his head in the loving lap of Parvati.

The gods, concerned for Shiva’s well-being, gathered around him, waiting for him to awaken. This unique and rare portrayal of Lord Shiva in a reclining posture serves as a focal point of devotion and wonder for all who visit the temple.

Architecture :

The temple complex is a magnificent architectural marvel that reflects the artistic and religious splendor of its time. Notable features include the three-tiered gateway tower known as gopurams. It houses numerous shrines, with the most prominent ones dedicated to Valmeegeeswarar and Maragathambigai. The temple’s halls and three precincts provide ample space for devotees to partake in religious rituals and seek solace.

Festivals :

Pallikondeswara Temple comes alive during various festivals and celebrations throughout the year. Some of the major festivals observed here are:

  1. Maha Sivaratri: This grand festival dedicated to Lord Shiva is celebrated with deep devotion and grandeur.
  2. Navaratri: The nine nights of Navaratri are a time of heightened spiritual fervor and cultural festivities.
  3. Karthika Masam: Devotees have the opportunity to deepen their spiritual connection during this sacred month.

One of the most significant festivals is the annual Maghabahula Ekadasi, celebrated in honor of Lord Kukkuteswara. These festivals provide a spiritual platform for devotees to come together, participate in religious ceremonies, and celebrate their faith.

Conclusion :

Pallikondeswara Temple, with its unique iconography, rich history, and architectural splendor, stands as a sacred testament to the deep-rooted religious traditions of the region. The temple is not only a place of worship but also a destination for seekers of cultural and spiritual enrichment. The legend of Lord Shiva’s unique reclining form adds to the temple’s mystique and spiritual allure.

Important Findings :

This research article has provided a comprehensive exploration of the Pallikondeswara Temple in Surutupalle. It has delved into the temple’s historical significance, unique iconography, and the legend of Lord Shiva’s reclining form. The article also highlights the architectural grandeur and the festivals that make this temple a cherished pilgrimage destination.

Editor – Kaalchakra Team

[ Note – Before Concluding anything as a Finale, Please Go through Original Scriptures of Vaidik Literature Written in Sanskrit and Also with Meaning of That time of Language. Because English is a Limited language to Explaining the Deeper Knowledge of Vaidik Kaal. ]