A Glimpse into a Ruined Pillared Marvel

Nair Mandir

A captivating yet ruined pillared temple

Introduction :

The Nair Temple, a captivating yet ruined pillared temple, is nestled along the road connecting Patna and Gaya, situated to the west of Dharawat. Approximately 20 miles from Gaya, this temple stands as a testament to the architectural and artistic prowess of its era. In this research article, we explore the history and characteristics of the Nair Temple, unraveling the mysteries hidden within its rows of monolithic pillars.

An Architectural Marvel :

The Nair Temple is comprised of three rows of monolithic pillars, each row boasting ten pillars of intricate workmanship. In the front of the temple, there is yet another row of four pillars. The architectural precision and craftsmanship displayed in these pillars are a testament to the ingenuity of the artisans of yesteryears.

A Glimpse of the Past :

As observed by Thomas Fraser Peppé, who photographed the Nair Temple in 1870, the temple’s rear section is predominantly constructed using a combination of brick and mud cement. However, the ravages of time have left very little of the superstructure intact. In fact, the temple’s roof and most of its superstructure have been entirely eroded by the relentless passage of time. This destruction makes it difficult to ascertain the original form of the temple accurately. Presently, a Linga occupies the shrine within, and a damaged figure of Ganesh lies outside.

Pillars of Solid Granite :

The pillars that grace the Nair Temple are marvels carved from solid granite blocks. They collectively form a portico that still stands gallantly in front of the temple. Despite the temple’s partially ruined state, the remarkable preservation of the portico showcases the durability and resilience of its construction.

Resembling Poonawa Temple :

The Nair Temple bears striking similarities to the Poonawa Temple, situated 14 miles east of Gaya. These parallels offer a glimpse into the architectural influences of the region and the shared design elements that characterized temples of their era.

Conclusion :

The Nair Temple, though in a state of partial ruin, remains a captivating relic from the past, whispering tales of architectural splendor and artistic brilliance. Its monolithic pillars, carved from solid granite, attest to the craftsmanship of a bygone era. The Nair Temple offers a window into a world that existed centuries ago, showcasing the enduring legacy of its artisans.

As this temple stands as a testament to ancient craftsmanship and design, it beckons to those who appreciate the artistry and architectural wonders of yesteryears. While time may have weathered its superstructure, the Nair Temple’s monolithic pillars continue to inspire awe and reverence.

Main Points :

• The Nair Temple, situated between Patna and Gaya, is a ruined pillared temple that reflects the architectural and artistic prowess of its era.
• It features three rows of monolithic pillars, with each row consisting of ten intricately carved pillars. Additionally, there is a row of four pillars at the temple’s front.
• A blend of brick and mud cement was used to construct the rear of the temple. Over time, much of the superstructure has eroded, making it challenging to determine its original form.
• The Nair Temple’s pillars, made from solid granite blocks, form a portico that remains remarkably intact in front of the temple.
• It shares architectural similarities with the Poonawa Temple, located east of Gaya, shedding light on the architectural influences of the region during that era.

Editor – Kaalchakra Team

[ Note – Before Concluding anything as a Finale, Please Go through Original Scriptures of Vaidik Literature Written in Sanskrit and Also with Meaning of That time of Language. Because English is a Limited language to Explaining the Deeper Knowledge of Vaidik Kaal. ]