Mantras & Tantras
Associated with a particular tradition and deity
Tantric texts are usually associated with a particular tradition and deity. The different types of Tantric literature are tantra, Āgama, saṃhitā, sūtra, upaniṣad, purāṇa, tīkā (commentaries), prakaraṇa, paddhati texts, stotram, kavaca, nighaṇṭu, koṣa and hagiographical literature. They are written in Sanskrit and in regional languages. The major textual Tantra traditions with some key exemplary texts is as follows:
Śaiva – Sadaśiva (Śivagama), Vāma or Tumburu, Dakṣiṇa or Bhairava
The world of Śaivism is rich with profound spiritual texts and ancient teachings that form the bedrock of this ancient tradition. At the core of Śaivism lies the Śaiva Agamas, a collection of sacred scriptures that provide profound insights into the nature of reality, spiritual practices, and the worship of Lord Śiva. Among these texts are the Sadaśiva, Vāma, Dakṣiṇa, and Bhairava Āgamas, each contributing its unique wisdom to the vast ocean of Śaiva philosophy.
- Kularnava Tantra
- Amṛteṣaṭantra or Netratantra
- Netragyanarṇava tantra
- Niḥśvāsatattvasaṃhitā
- Kālottārā tantra
- Sarvajñānottārā
- Ṣaivāgamas
- Raudrāgamas
- Bhairavāgamas
- Vāma Āgamas
- Dakṣiṇāgamas
Śivaśakti traditions – Yāmala (also part of Bhairava tradition)
The Śivaśakti traditions encompass a rich tapestry of spiritual practices and beliefs that venerate the divine union of Lord Śiva and the divine feminine energy, Śakti. Within these traditions, the Yāmala texts hold a prominent place, offering profound insights into the mystical and transformative aspects of the divine.
- Brahma yāmala
- Rudra yāmala
- Skanda yāmala
- Viṣṇu yāmala
- Yama yāmala
- Yāyu yāmala
- Kubera yāmala
- Indra yāmala
Śākta – Kālī traditions (Kālī, Kālī Viṣṇu, Kāmākhyā/Kubjika, Tārā and Others), Śrīkula tradition
Śākta – Kālī traditions are a vibrant aspect of Hinduism that reveres the divine feminine principle. This article delves into the various goddesses worshipped in these traditions, including Kālī, Kāmākhyā, Tārā, and others. Additionally, we will discuss the Śrīkula tradition and various important texts associated with this rich tapestry of spiritual practices.
- Varahi Tantra
- Shakta Agamas
- Muṇḍamālā tantra
- Toḍala tantra
- Cāmuṇḍa tantra
- Devīyāmala
- Mādhavakula
- Yonigahavara,
- Kālīkulārṇava tantra
- Kaṇkālamālinī tantra
- Jhaṃkārakaravīra,
- Mahākāla saṃhitā
- Kālī tantra
- Kālajñāna tantra
- Kumārī tantra
- Siddhalaharī tantra
- Niruttārā tantra
- Kālīvilāsa tantra
- Utpatti tantra
- Kāmadhenu tantra
- Nirvāṇa tantra
- Kāmākhyā tantra
- Tārā tantra
- Kaula tantra
- Matsya Sūkta / Tārā Kalpa
- Samayā tantra
- Vāmakeshvara tantra
- Tantrajā tantra
- Yoginī tantra
Kula – Kulamārga and Other tantras
The Kula – Kulamārga Tantras form a significant body of sacred scriptures within the Śākta – Kālī traditions of Hinduism. These Tantras are devoted to the worship of the divine feminine, and they provide profound insights into rituals, mantras, and practices for spiritual seekers. This article delves into some of the key Tantras within this tradition, shedding light on their importance and relevance.
- Kulārṇava tantra
- Mahānirvāṇa tantra
- Kulacūḍāmaṇi tantra
- Guptasādhana tantra
- Mātṛkābheda tantra
Vaiṣṇava – Vaikhanasas, Pancharatra, bhakti-oriented tantras of Kṛṣṇa and Rāma
The Vaiṣṇava tradition within Hinduism is characterized by its devotion to Lord Viṣṇu, especially in his forms as Kṛṣṇa and Rāma. The Vaikhanasas and Pancharatra are prominent sub-traditions that emphasize bhakti (devotion) and ritual worship. This article explores the significant texts and Āgamas within these traditions, which guide devotees in their spiritual practices and devotion to the divine.
- Pāñcarātra saṃhitā texts
- Ahirbudhnya Saṃhitā **
- Jayākhya saṃhitā **
- Pārameśvara saṃhitā **
- Pauśkara saṃhitā **
- Pādma saṃhitā **
- Nāradīya saṃhitā **
- Haṃsaparameśvara saṃhitā **
- Lakṣmī tantra **
- Vaihāyasa saṃhitā **
- Śrīkālapraā saṃhitā **
- Vaikhānasa Āgamas
- Gautamīya tantra
- Bṛhadbrahma saṃhitā
- Māheśvara tantra
- Sātvata tantra
- Rādhā tantra
- Agastya saṃhitā and Dāśarathīya tantra
- Īśāna saṃhitā and Ūrdhvāṃnāya saṃhitā
(Note : All Tantra with (**) are specific texts within the Pāñcarātra saṃhitā tradition, each offering unique insights into worship and devotion.)
Mantra-śāstra – textbooks on Mantras, metaphysics of mantric sound, related practices and rituals
Mantra-śāstra, the ancient Indian science of mantras, is a profound and intricate system that delves into the study of mantric sound, its metaphysical implications, and its application in various practices and rituals. Rooted in the Vedas and developed further in Tantric traditions, Mantra-śāstra has been preserved through a vast array of textbooks and commentaries by revered scholars over the centuries.
- Prapañcasāra tantra and its commentaries and Ṭīkās
- Śāradatilaka tantra by Lakṣmaṇa Deśikendra
- Mantramuktāvali of Paramahaṃsa Pūrṇaprakāśa
- Mantramahodadhi of Mahīdhara
- Mantradevaprakāśikā of Viṣṇudeva
- Mantrakamalākara of Kamalākara Bhaṭṭa
- Mantraratnākara of Yadunātha Cakravartin
- Mantramahārṇava of Mādhava Rāya Vaidya
- Tantrasāra of Kṛṣṇānanda āgamvāgiśa
Nibandha – handbooks on ritual worship, sadhana and puja
The vast and profound world of Tantra encompasses a rich tapestry of spiritual practices, rituals, and worship that lead seekers on a path of self-discovery and spiritual evolution. Within the realm of Tantra, numerous handbooks have been authored by revered sages and scholars, offering guidance and insights into the intricate aspects of ritual worship, sadhana (spiritual practice), and puja. These texts serve as invaluable treasures, preserving ancient wisdom and traditions, and continue to inspire spiritual aspirants on their quest for divine realization.
- Kriyākalpataru of śaktinātha Kalyānakara
- Kaulāvalīnirṇaya of Jñānānandagiri Paramahaṃsa
- śāktanandataraṃgiṇī of Brahmānanda Giri
- śāktakrama of Pūrṇānanda
- śrītattvacintāmaṇi of Pūrṇānanda
- āgamakalpadruma of Govinda
- āgamakalpalatikā of Yadunātha
- āgamatattvavilāsa of Raghunātha Tarkavāgīśa, and āgamachandrikā of Rāmakṛṣṇa
- Tantrachintāmaṇi of Navamīsiṃha
- Prāṇatoṣiṇī of Rāmatoṣaṇa Vidyālaṃkāra
- Śhivarahasya
- Śaivakalpadruma
Saura tantras
Ganapatya tantras
Others – supernatural, chemistry, astrology, alchemy, etc.,
A Hindu Tantric Painting. India, Pahari, circa 1780-1800. Depicting from top to bottom: Shiva, Sakti, Vishnu with his conch, Brahma sprouting from his navel, and Lakshmi. Below is Harihara and four-headed Brahma. At bottom is Trimurti. All painted against a gold ground forming the stylized seed syllable Om.
A tantric form of the Hindu Goddess Kali. Folio from a book of Iconography, Nepal, 17th century.
Source : Wikipedia – ( For Details of Various Tantra and Mantra related Source. )
Editor – Kaalchakra Team
[ Note – Before Concluding anything as a Finale, Please Go through Original Scriptures of Vaidik Literature Written in Sanskrit and Also with Meaning of That time of Language. Because English is a Limited language to Explaining the Deeper Knowledge of Vaidik Kaal. ]