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Upa Puranas

Brief Overview of Upa Puranas


The Upapuranas (Sanskrit: Upapurāṇa) are a genre of Hindu religious texts consisting of many compilations differentiated from the Mahapuranas by styling them as secondary Puranas using the prefix Upa (secondary). Though only a few of these compilations originated earlier than most of the extant Mahapuranas, some of these texts are extensive and important.

Sanat-kumara Purana:

The Sanat-kumara Purana is a revered Upapurana that is attributed to the sage Sanatkumara. It covers a wide range of topics, including cosmology, philosophy, yoga, and the nature of reality. It provides spiritual guidance and teachings to seekers on the path to self-realization and liberation.

Narasimha Purana:

The Narasimha Purana focuses on Lord Narasimha, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu in the form of a half-man and half-lion. It narrates the divine exploits of Lord Narasimha and offers insights into the significance of devotion, courage, and the triumph of good over evil.

Nanda Purana:

The Nanda Purana is a scripture dedicated to Lord Krishna’s foster father, Nanda. It delves into the life and teachings of Nanda and sheds light on the devotional practices and spiritual significance associated with him. The text highlights the virtues of parental love, devotion, and the divine grace of Lord Krishna.

Sivadharma Purana:

The Sivadharma Purana is a sacred scripture that primarily revolves around the worship of Lord Shiva and the principles of Shaivism. It discusses various aspects of Shaiva philosophy, rituals, festivals, and the spiritual practices associated with Lord Shiva. The text serves as a guide for devotees seeking to deepen their connection with Lord Shiva.

Samba Purana:

The Samba Purana is an Upapurana dedicated to Lord Surya, the Sun God. It narrates the story of Krishna’s son, Samba, who is cursed with leprosy and subsequently cured through his devotion to Lord Surya. The text provides insights into solar worship, rituals, and the spiritual significance of worshipping Lord Surya.

Naradiya Purana:

The Naradiya Purana is attributed to Sage Narada and contains valuable teachings on various aspects of Hinduism. It explores topics such as cosmology, mythology, rituals, devotion, and the path to spiritual liberation. The text emphasizes the importance of devotion to the divine and the cultivation of virtuous qualities.

Kapila Purana:

The Kapila Purana is named after the sage Kapila, who is known for his contribution to the philosophy of Samkhya. It delves into the principles of Samkhya philosophy, which explains the nature of existence, the cosmic evolution, and the means of attaining liberation through knowledge and detachment.

Manava Purana:

The Manava Purana, also known as the Jñanasara, is an Upapurana that focuses on the lineage and teachings of the sage Manu. It discusses topics such as creation, cosmic cycles, social order, ethics, and the duties of individuals in different stages of life. The text serves as a guide to righteous living and the preservation of dharma.

AuSanasa Purana:

The AuSanasa Purana, attributed to the sage Usanas (Shukracharya), is a scripture that covers various aspects of Hindu mythology, rituals, and spiritual practices. It provides insights into the worship of deities, the significance of rituals, and the ethical principles governing human conduct.

Mudgala Purana:

The Mudgala Purana is a significant Upapurana dedicated to Lord Ganesha. It narrates the divine exploits and teachings of Lord Ganesha, highlighting his role as the remover of obstacles and the bestower of wisdom. The text provides insights into Ganesha worship, rituals, and the spiritual significance of invoking his blessings.

Varuna Purana:

The Varuna Purana centers around Lord Varuna, the deity associated with water, oceans, and cosmic order. It explores topics such as creation, cosmology, rituals, and the divine qualities of Lord Varuna. The text emphasizes the significance of water in religious ceremonies and the spiritual symbolism associated with it.

Kalika Purana:

The Kalika Purana is dedicated to the worship of the goddess Kali, an embodiment of feminine power and energy. It delves into the myths, rituals, and practices associated with Goddess Kali, highlighting her fierce and transformative aspects. The text serves as a guide for Kali devotees seeking to awaken their inner power and transcendence.

Maheswara Purana:

The Maheswara Purana revolves around Lord Shiva and offers a comprehensive account of his divine manifestations, exploits, and teachings. It explores various aspects of Shaivism, including rituals, festivals, mantras, and the path of devotion and self-realization. The text provides deep insights into the nature of Lord Shiva and his significance in Hindu mythology.

Ganesha Purana:

The Ganesha Purana is a revered scripture that narrates the life and divine attributes of Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity and remover of obstacles. It explores the birth, childhood, and adventures of Lord Ganesha, emphasizing his role as a beloved deity and the bestower of success, wisdom, and prosperity.

Saura Purana:

The Saura Purana is dedicated to the worship of Surya, the Sun God, and explores the solar aspects of Hindu mythology and spirituality. It contains narratives, rituals, and hymns associated with the worship of Surya, providing insights into the significance of solar worship and its spiritual benefits.

Vishwakarma Purana:

The Vishwakarma Purana focuses on Lord Vishwakarma, the divine architect and craftsman of the gods. It explores the legends, myths, and teachings associated with Vishwakarma, highlighting his contributions to the creation of the universe and the construction of divine abodes. The text serves as a guide for those seeking inspiration in craftsmanship and creativity.

Vishnudharmottara Purana:

The Vishnudharmottara Purana is a revered scripture that is believed to have been narrated to Lord Brahma. It explores various aspects of art, architecture, iconography, and aesthetic principles. The text provides detailed guidelines on temple construction, image-making, and the symbolism associated with deities, offering insights into the spiritual significance of art and its connection to divine worship.

Bhargava Purana:

The Bhargava Purana, attributed to the sage Bhargava, revolves around the lineage and teachings of the Bhargava clan. It covers various aspects of Hindu mythology, rituals, and spiritual practices associated with the Bhargava lineage. The text provides insights into the worship of deities, sacred rituals, and the path of devotion and righteousness.


Upapuranas are generally held to be additions or supplements to the Mahapuranas. Puranas usually are categorized into a ‘Maha’ and an ‘Upa.’ Maha’s are regarded as great and the Upa’s are lower or additional. Like the other Puranas, the Upapuranas too narrate on five themes called Panchalaksana, which means “five distinguishing marks”. Puranas use a large quantity of religious and philosophical concepts from Bhakti to Samkhya philosophy, in their narration. The lists of these Upapuranas as given in the various Mahapuranas do not tally. Quantity is less clearly defined in the Upapuranas and these have also not been critically edited. The Upapuranas do not in general differ essentially from the Puranas, except that they are even more exclusively adapted to suit the purposes of local cult and the religious needs of separate sects.

Editor – Kaalchakra Team

[ Note – Before Concluding anything as a Finale, Please Go through Original Scriptures of Vaidik Literature Written in Sanskrit and Also with Meaning of That time of Language. Because English is a Limited language to Explaining the Deeper Knowledge of Vaidik Kaal. ]